Reflections from one sabbatical, one bible, 90 days.

Michael Wong
2 min readJan 12, 2021
source: brettjordan, via pexels

I recently concluded a six month sabbatical. Prior to the sabbatical, I was busy. I was the Co-founder and COO of a rapidly growing fintech start-up, a leader and member across three church communities and in parallel was planning a wedding during COVID.

But what sustained me and gave me hope and inspiration was regular time in scripture, prayer and worship of God.

Since then, I stepped out of my COO role at the start up, got married and was given leave from our community of church leaders, along with my wife, to take some time out and rest and invest time in our early stage of marriage.

It’s been an incredible blessing — one where at times I have felt at a loss with what to do, but at the same time has given me an opportunity to dig deeper into scripture, worship and reflect on the world and life at this time.

It’s a blessing which I feel the joy and duty to share — by sharing some of my reflections throughout this time.

Not necessarily theological pieces, but more insights and revelations that came through reading the bible in this comparatively dense format. This is my fourth full reading of the bible and perhaps full of the most surprises, challenges and joys.

Here follows the first of my posts, based on having read the bible in its entirety in 90 days; with the first on the 5th commandment — the sabbath.



Michael Wong

Christ follower. Husband. Tech entrepreneur. Avid crossfitter.